Who is a Physiotherapist

Who is a Physiotherapist

In simple terms, physiotherapist is a specialist mechanic for the human body. A physiotherapist is a trained medical professional who uses natural physical approaches to promote, maintain and restore your well-being so that you can perform and enjoy your chosen sport, work or everyday activities.
A physiotherapist's training includes a thorough study of the human body, particularly the muscle and joint system. It involves studying anatomy, neuroanatomy, physiology, psychology, medical conditions, musculoskeletal conditions, exercise prescription and electrotherapy.
Physiotherapy is a science-based methodology that is constantly evolving as new research discovers better ways to treat your body. Physiotherapist will use their expert knowledge of the human body and highly specialised skills to help restore your aching, stiff and dysfunctional muscles and joints back to health.
Physiotherapists at Sylvian neuro are highly skilled in Sports, Musculoskeletal, Ergonomics and Spinal Injury Rehabilitation.